Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sooooooooo TIRED!!

Yesterday I finally broke down and did some research online to figure out why I am SO exhausted. I remember being tired with both my babies, but this is extreme, I literally fall asleep sitting up on the couch watching the girls, I have no energy, its awful!!

What I learned is that the drug Progesterone is paired with drowsiness. So not only is my body producing Progesterone for the pregnancy, but I am taking 3 doses of it DAILY! I read the drug actually makes women fall asleep in high enough doses....sooooooooo now I know!!!

And I am falling asleep writing this....oh WHY can't the girls nap at the SAME time?!?! I SO need some sleep!

By for now, next Tuesday is our BIG ultrasound, we hope to see a lil heartbeat, can't WAIT!!

Hugs :)


  1. Oh the joys of synthetic hormones!!

  2. I foudn the pregnancies via IVF were so hard full of sleep and sickness for the first 12-- never with my own kids though.

    Good Luck on your u/s tomorrow.
